I am a day late....too much celebrating. We took Miss Sage to T rex Cafe for her Birthday ( she loves when they come out clapping and singing ) and then came home opened gifts and had cake. Aunt Bambi had seen a Yo Gabba Gabba cake at the Wal Mart in Sou Pines but no such luck here, only certain stores have that one, has to do with licensing. But she got Back Yardigans ( better pic of cake coming soon ) and was just as happy. She got tons of Yo Gabba Gabba stuff ( Thanks Aunt Bambi ) plus her buggy to ride in.....plus her siblings doted on her all day long. Sadly 4 of us are sick and its hot....Maddie is the worse so pray for no ear infections. I promise more pics of Sage's birthday and Kael's first day are coming but 0630 comes early........
These are so flippin out of order.....that was her look she was given the dinosaur in the pic with Kael ( he sounds like a cow ) after a few mooo's she was his friend.....She loved her Yo Gabba Gabba book as U can see ......and no I have no clue why she has paci in her mouth constantly unless its her way of dealing with teething.....she has 6 trying to break thru the skin.....OUCH