They were all "Tadpoles"
We ended VBS tonight with a potluck and show.....I am gonna be humming This little light of mine for weeks now but that's ok.......LOL. We were invited to come back ( which for my crew....all of a big deal.....LOL ) and go to service on Sundays. We had a great time and we were made to feel so welcome.
Last night we went out as a 3some again and had Chinese ......not buffet .....actual sit down....which did not bother me until Little Miss Loudness decided she was not hungry and wanted to speak....loudly.....and this place was not very busy.......hmmmmm.....buffet's from now on.
We got our Insurance cards today so hopefully I can get the Physicals done so the kids can get registered in Rec and have some fun. ...We are having a cook out Sunday with some friends that were in OH with us and are now here too. Hopefully Monday we will get to Worlds of Fun ( our new version of Kings Island ) ......Daddy starts Artillery classes for a week on Tuesday. Hope Ya'll have a Fab Weekend.