My first Milspouse Friday Fill-in hosted by wifey at Wife of a sailor.

Feel free to head on over and see what other Mil Spouses had to say.
1.During military separations (whether short or long) how do you keep yourself positive and motivated? submitted by Married/Single Parent
1) reading blogs and books, keeping the kids busy, staying on top of everything, making plans for when its finally over and catching up on the scrapbooks.
2. What is your favorite concert you have ever been to? submitted by Young but Not (Completely) Dumb
2) 1991 Lollapalooza in Raleigh NC
3.What do you miss most about your “hometown”? submitted by A Florida Girl and Her Soldier
3) The people, most of my family was/is there and we knew almost everyone.......fast forward 8 years and I hardly recognize it anymore.
4) If you could run in any race, which charity would you choose to support? submitted by Wookie & Co.
4) I would have to say AHA, my Mom died of a Heart Attack and since its the #1 killer of women its near and dear to my Heart.
5)You find out Willy Wonka is your father, what 3 course meal do you INSIST he create in that stick of gum? submitted by A{muse}ing Mommy on a Pink Park Bench
5) Olive Garden ......Love the salad, then Lasagna and finally Tiramsu ...yum.
This was fun, don't forget to head over to Wife of a Sailor for more Friday Fill In Fun.