The Russian Nutcracker Tuesday was beautiful....they did a outstanding job. The Army has a complaint system called ICE and when the Chinese Acrobats were here in October people complained because they were assigned seats ( My kids couldn't see, I wanted a aisle seat,blah blah etc). So the last 2 events held in this auditorium have been first come first common sense says if you are doing that you must have ushers to tell people "move it down" because everyone always leaves a spot between them and the next needless to say the first 2 levels were "full" and we ended up in the balcony but all was good. We got to see without any heads in our way and we ended up sitting next to girl from Maddie's Ballet class. And Of course my girl had to have a "real" Nutcracker ( Ouch ).
Wednesday we had the meeting with the school's OT for Kael. She has high hopes he will be writing better by the end of the year. She will be working with him 30 mins twice a week. We also have to take him to a special eye doctor for Learning related vision problems. Friday was the last day of school so I sent Kael to school with his treats for his classmates, treats for his "other" teachers and his gift for his Teacher ( Giftcard ). The kid came home with his Teachers gift still in his backpack.....He forgot......the most important gift he forgets...ohhhh I am still horrified. So I sent her a email ( but of course its her school account and schools over ) hoping to get it to her before Christmas but ohhhhh I'm so embarrassed . Friday was also the day I had to bake Baby Jesus a cake.....I always get nervous when I must make something for other people and there is no way I can test it first ......I mean this is for Baby Jesus ....can there be any more pressure????? Supposedly it was good and they had fun blowing out the candles for him ( Maddie said he could not come down from Heaven for know he is busy up there).
Hopefully we get to Santa tomorrow and some more shopping done ......hope Ya'll do too !!