1) When you are fixing to move and 2) a week before your own yard sale. It was so sad.....I bought nothing ....Na Da.....Sad. I had Clean Sweep, Hoarders, etc in my head the whole time. Do you NEED it? Do you REALLY have room for it? Do you LOVE it? But I did get a great idea since I am having such hard time figuring out how to show clothes. A lady there had bought these racks ( she called them drying racks ) at Wal Mart and they held quite a bit. So we went to Wal Mart and bought all they had ( only 3 ) Hopefully I can find some more Tuesday. I also had to buy more pricing stickers but now I'm out of Hangers and tags....UGH. But everyone on post had a great day selling.....esp those that are going to Korea and Germany because get this you must cut your household goods in half ......OMG that would kill me.....even cars you can only have one.

Monday we take Maddie to the Kidney Dr.....they told me to give her lots of soda on the way there because she must give a sample and we will probably do a Kidney ultrasound to rule out PKD. I must be having sympathy for her because my right one has been screaming lately. Maddie has been riding her bike while I walk in the PM so she has done 2.5 to 3.7 miles every night.....those leg muscles are really getting a work out. I think I figured out why she had so many whiteheads on her chin and around her mouth, besides the fact that she will not wash her face but she was putting chapstick on constantly and she was covering most of her lower face.....took that stuff away ASAP. Seems to be clearing up.

Kael is really acting out......he has gotten 2 yellow bears and 1 red bear this month, after months of nothing but green bears. Mostly for talking and being silly......therapy is so so.....again not taking it seriously.....but he will not get a new bike until he can ride w/o training wheels which therapy is suppose to help with so .......He is a typical class clown....but reading he is blowing away, both teacher and therapist are giving him rave reviews.

Sage is a wild Monkey.....she blows us away with her words....Papa must have got ahold of her in heaven before she came down since he swore up and down he could not understand a word Kael or Maddie said at this age. Most of the time she seems like a old soul, taking it all in. Other times I can not keep up....she exhausts me....climbing, jumping, no fear at all. Thank God the new house is one story because she is constantly on the stairs....if she is up she wants down,if she is down she wants up.

Brian finally got his Mac.....been waiting since before Christmas for the new ones to come out. So he got nothing for our anniversary ....I on the other hand got Wii Just Dance, Liberty of London purse, and a red Wii Remote since my children can never put anything back where it goes so I spend half the time I could be working out looking a remote. Finally Good Night and have a great week.
1) Sage's first look at the monkee's
2) Hula hooping
3) How pretty is she?
4) Goof Balls
5) That is a Monkey Butt....Sorry I was not fast enough to get it walking by her.