Where did November go? We are all better just playing catch up ( homework, housework, shopping,etc ). I have no new pics........sorry.....its just been that kind of week. Thursday, Kael's first day back to school he had a accident in OT and boinked his head.......Friday was Maddie's Picture day @ school and I totally forgot so I apologize ahead of time for you that want pics.............LOL. Praying for a Normal week.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Can U believe it is almost Thanksgiving???
Where did November go? We are all better just playing catch up ( homework, housework, shopping,etc ). I have no new pics........sorry.....its just been that kind of week. Thursday, Kael's first day back to school he had a accident in OT and boinked his head.......Friday was Maddie's Picture day @ school and I totally forgot so I apologize ahead of time for you that want pics.............LOL. Praying for a Normal week.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Veterans Day 2009 Remember Ft Hood Fallen
I think Kael is 95% now....he managed to play Wii Fit Plus this afternoon....Hmmm. Maddie had Dance and Managed to lose a Ballet slipper ..............Hmmmmmmmmm? When? I don't know? Where? I don't know. When did U last see it? I don't know. Do you see my battle here for my sanity???? Everyone is off tomorrow so I don't know our plans yet......Happy Veterans Day Ya'll.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Thank You very much ..............
Food Poisoning...........can U believe it? Like we have not been thru enough? But early Sunday it hit Kael, then Daddy, and last but not least me !!!!!!!!! Sunday was a wash.......with Maddie playing Nurse, gopher and maid...........poor kid....But it could have been worse.....like a bug that hits all 5 of us ............Please no ! So as of 36 hours later Daddy is 100% and returning to work, I am 75% better just sore as all get out and weak, and poor Kael is 25% better..........no activity, he just lays around drinking water from his med cup ..........but they are off school Weds so a extra day to recover. Have a great week.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
I just got a e-mail from Toys R Us saying the "big" toy this year Zhu Zhu ( a toy hamster ) is going to be there and each store will only get 50 so U must be in line before the store opens.....blah blah blah.....its a little early to start this nonsense. Yes I want this for Maddie ( it is flippin cute with all the tubes you can buy just like a real one but it does not die, stink, need to be feed or anything ) but I am not gonna go stand in line before Black Friday....Nope not gonna happen!! Yesterday we were @ the Dr for Maddie.....day 8 of this cold.....still coughing/vomiting and then Friday she did not wanna eat, etc. So again ear infection but they are putting her on Zrytec to hopefully control the post nasal drip and keep her dry .......we go back after Thanksgiving for a re check and she says if the ear infections continue we will be referred off post to a ENT .....Yes again ....its a cycle ..........I don't hold out hope since the last ENT said it is useless to put tubes in a child over 4 and under 6, esp with Maddie being a mouth breather, low muscle tone,Etc. But as long as they keep referring us I'll try ....can't hurt. Sage is still snotty but shes such a good baby she just deals with it ............give me a pacifer and I'm happy. Kael had no school Friday ......he is out of Judo.....there are too many kids and the instructors are stretched to thin.....so we are thinking Jujuitsu, swimming,or who the heck knows.
Ya'll have a great weekend
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