Today was the kids school physical day, which they tell you only takes a few mins so the kids are scheduled back to back.....well of course the nurse can not find Sage's first year of shots. Sage was born in a civilian hospital and was seen by a private practice since Brian was finishing up his time at Xavier ROTC. So low and behold the records were never put in the computer, just a folder so now the poor nurse has to make us a shot record, along with trying to figure out what shots Kael and Maddie got while we were in Ohio......If you are in the military never...ever go ROTC or recruiter unless you are very close to a base.....it is a nightmare for records. See when we move from base to base it all follows nice and neat but if you have to take it off base oh my lordy. I am joking (somewhat) but since the Army was going to a computer system when we left Bragg for Ohio none of our stuff was entered like it should have but hopefully it will work itself out the years the kids are here.

So between Ohio and Kansas the kids missed some shots.....which thrilled them and me to death. The Nurse today....LOVE HER.....she copied everything for me so I would have a copy at home and was so kind to do all this. We took off to the other side of the hospital to get shots except for paperwork it was fast....Sage was pissed before we even got there, Kael had worked himself into a frenzy and was chanting over and over it's gonna hurt and Maddie who had to have the most just sat there quietly. So again I got a great nurse....she was quick, distracting and gave me personal copies of what she did.....LOVE HER, too. Finally got home for Sage to nap and she had crackers all in her seat, so I took it out to dump it....looked kinda dingy so I must wash it ....take off the cover....ewwww now I must clean whole seat...in the tub .....ewwww .....OMG U don't wanna know......now I must clean tub......all this took 2 hours....so we were late to get some dinner. And get this on the way to get something I came up with the brilliant idea to just "run" into Wal Mart for a bird feeder....hour later we finally got food. And of course the kids are hot,grumpy, and hungry all because I can not focus on (1) thing.......and then I wonder where they get it from.

Tomorrow nothing is "planned" or scheduled so I hope to get paperwork done and bills paid during the silence.......hoping to purge some rooms this week ......wish me luck
Pics from the park on post.....it was 100+ that day so we had it all to ourselves .....all the sane people were at the pool.