Saturday, March 13, 2010

Almost time to go.......

and I am as ready as I can be. Don't talk much about it ....still very, very hard to leave the kiddo's. Kael and Maddie have been told.......don't really know how much Maddie "gets" but I'm sure they will be fine. I think I will be the worse....esp since I am a See the glass as half empty type person. I always think the worst will happen ( history has not been kind on that one ). Hopefully I don't cry in front of them : (

Everyone is on "spring break" here.....Maddie's class was having class on Monday but since they have to have me at the Airport @2pm and she gets out @3pm and the airport is a hour away ....well you see the math? Kael got his feelings hurt Friday....I wish you could have seen his face when I was in the carpool lane....1st graders have a teacher who stays outside to make sure they all get their rides.....well she walked him over to the car mouthing she did not what was wrong with him. So he gets in and the tears start.........seems another boy brought a Planets book to school and it was bigger then the one Kael brought to school so the teacher let the other boy show his ( this is all Kael's story so take it with a grain of salt ).

Sage is just a friggin manic .....she never stops and she talks all the time and you can understand her and she understands you....and she amazes me everyday. Maddie has been on a "therapy" kick lately.....push ups, running and most everything Kael does......again she amazes me with the energy.....Wow. I am slacker thank you cards have been done, I still have to grocery shop tomorrow and I forgot to make Appts for Kael's teeth cleaning so hopefully I get something done in the next 36 hours.....maybe???

1 and 2 from Kael's school singing

3 When his group had their chance at the instruments

4 She got this for her Birthday and did all the work on it.....pretty impressive huh?

5 He has all 3 up but I had to crop it because Maddie's pants are coming down....yes they still do day she will get hips????

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Holy Crap Batman

$97 for a rental car but they want $45 for a GPS .......this will be fun. Thank Goodness I get unlimited miles cause I will get lost but at least when we move there I will know where everything is....LOL. So everything is done....flight,hotel and car. Trying to work out like a banshee since the only exercise I will get next week will be walking.....but at least my room has a refrig for my diet Dr pepper. We had Kael's Musical concert tonight.....they were all so good ( pics to come ) It has been so warm here ......come on spring. Did ya'll hear about Cory young ! Alright I still have clothes to fold and e mail to get thru....Night Ya'll

1) what we do when we're with the camera.

2 ) Just Sage

3) Bad picture but she was sitting in a corner of her room reading to herself .....I LOVE that all the kids prefer books to anything else.

Monday, March 8, 2010

More Party Pics

Learning to ride
New Bike
That's Aiden in green
More Gifts
Opening gifts with Abby ( don't U just love that blonde hair? Sage is obsessed with it )

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Happy 5th Birthday Maddie

Bowling was fun .....kinda like chasing a bunch of drunk little people......first 15-20 mins they are actually bowling but then they wanna run,chase, climb, throw a couple of fits . I was so glad the other parents were there ......they were a HUGE help.....again wrangling a bunch of drunk little people. Would I do it again??? In a heart beat......I have had too many "at Home" Parties and that is soooooooo much worse.
Tomorrow we get Pictures done and dinner at T rex .........and hopefully we squeeze some shoe shopping in there for Boy Child. Guess what I was doing before this......heat bonding not one but two children' s winter coats........If you have not heat bonded .....go now to Wal Mart and buy is my life saver....I don't sew and even thought my Wonderful MIL gave me a antique one to learn on I have yet to have the nerve to try. Back to the coats....Friday it was warm so all children went out to play ........and came back a muddy after washing both coats ripped and we don't have much winter left so I refuse to buy more.
It has been a beautiful 2 days open .......come on Spring !!! Can U believe we still have snow???? As far as friggin overwhelmed I am trying to read Home buying for dummies so my brain is frying people who have bought multiply homes I don't know how you do it......after awhile it all meshes together.....ugh.
So Tuesday at Vision Therapy they hooked Kael up to a computer to measure his eye movements and he is reading at a 4th grade level......ummmm WOW. But he does not comprehend all that he reads so they wanted us to switch him to chapter books and start asking more questions after he reads it. She is also very pleased at how well he is now doing....Thats all Daddy's help....after I got hit on the head with the duck/pigeon stick I was done with helping.
Well I have a list to do for our Realtor so I am off....Ya'll have a great weekend !! I will post more pics this week even if I don't have time to write !!

1) Before party....didn't she look pretty?

2) Yummm Pizza for starving kids

3) Can u tell they were getting bored....The boy in green is Maddie's Boyfriend Aiden....he is leaving for FL this Month.

4) Kael watching Dora on someones Iphone......again can U say bored?

5) Yes they are rolling bowling balls to each other......LOL