We had my Sister Mary and her 2 kids here this weekend to celebrate. Her son started riding a bike without training wheels this year so I figured he was perfect to give Kael a little confidence boost. We bought Kael a early present of a big boy bike and in a hour he could balance and keep it straight. Practice Practice Practice.

Saturday we took everyone to Chuck E Cheese where Sage threw fits since she figures she should be allowed to do everything and not have Mommy every step of the way. We played Games for 2 hours and came home to Pizza, cake and opening gifts. We are a exhausted Household.

Thursday Maddie started with Sore Throat, runny nose and cough. Saturday Kael woke up with it and Today it was Sage's turn. So Back to the grind.

Hopefully We will get back on schedule and get some stuff done....including updating this blog more often.