Santa has been and left plenty of goodies. All of us have already been spoiled with gifts from Aunt Bambi, Papa, Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Dirk. We are smack in the middle of the worst Blizzard my southern self ( Have I said lately how I miss you East Coast??????) has ever seen but as long as the power survives we are good. We will miss all our family far away from us and those that are celebrating in Heaven................May you all have a Wonderful and Blessed Christmas.
n Happy Housewife is showing all the "real" Christmas Photo. I am so Happy she did because it proves I am not alone. As most of you know this photo shoot on the night of Maddie's Christmas Concert did not turn out well and we ended up with Photos of all 3 in Matching PJ's .......revenge later in life to show future spouses......Bwhahahahaha. Merry Christmas to all and please go visit Happy Housewife for more "Real" Family Photos
I love the Last day of school when the kids bring all the "gifts" they have been making. These are all hanging off the China Hutch in the Dining Room for all to enjoy.