Saturday, December 6, 2008

Its Snowing

Well All Christmas decorations are up except the outside ones, its snowing now but I think they are still gonna go up tonight, its already 19 days until Christmas.....where did the time go??? Kael had no cavities this visit to the dentist and went to Karate again Thursday. Still working with Maddie to keep her mouth closed. Sage's new formula seems to be controlling the colic ( knock on wood) so hopefully in 3 weeks when we go back to NC its not like the Chicago trip. I got some Christmas shopping done yesterday and some wrapping done today. I'm having to mail gifts to NC because we have no extra room in the van....LOL. I got Wii Fit for my B-day ( yes we know its a month away ) and the kids and Brian have been setting up their profiles.....I will do mine when there is nobody here but Maddie, Sage and me....LOL....and yes I can put it under password....LOL. Well hopefully get some shopping done tomorrow.....

I love how she is looking at Maddie

This is Maddie's "work" from school....I think its outstanding what Mrs Caddigan has her writing.

PS for those who don't know click on the pic and it gets bigger so you can actually see it

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Welcome to our new home

I will be blogging from here now. I will miss all my settings.....hopefully I can get those on this one if I remember how.....LOL. Maddie's visit with the ENT proved no adenoid or Tonsil enlargement so its just habitual mouth breathing or lack of muscle tone so we will see if maybe speech or physical therapy next??? Bigger news with her is her big left top tooth and the one beside it are ready to fall out, they are both being pushed up and are sooo loose. Kael's funky rash has come back so we will call the dermatologist. I hope ya'll enjoy the new blog but I need to go put away our Thanksgiving Stuff and get ready for Christmas before Tumble Bees tonight.

This was the Turkey Kael had to "disguise" so it would not get eaten....LOL....I got rid of alot of Halloween Candy but that paper weighed a ton !!!!!

Pic from Kael's reading assignment ....he has to pick his fav book each month and do a paper on it

Maddie had to get in on it too.