5) Looking down from Living room to foyer left side

4) Door going into Kitchen/dining room

3) And we wonder why these neighbors never come outside ( The white trash lawn sprinkler might scare them????)

2) going up to 2nd deck ( Gate Dear hubby made to keep Sage safe )

1) Looking down from 1st deck ( those doors U see go to playroom)
Looks like you've got a climber on your hands. White trash lawn sprinklers were the old ones that used to be used to water the lawn...that was the only time to play in the sprinkler...they don't buy sprinkler toys. Does the inside gate open in the center? Cool...don't have to take down or climb over to exit/enter. Hello Granny. Can't believe how decorated you have it already.
I even found a older pic I had of her 5x7 in a bathing suit. Yes it opens and latches if U let it open all the way like its suppose too. No my kids use the sprinkler toy as a water gun....
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