Kael still has a crick in his neck from sleeping wrong Saturday night so Icy Hot.......Maddie all of a sudden has a nasty cough so Vicks Vapor rub.......Sage has Lavender lotion for her dry skin......my kids are killing me by washing their hands 100 times a day with Winter Candy Cane from BB works.....yuck.....I can not wait to open the windows in the morning....LOL. We had Maddie's Speech Therapy Eval today and they feel her teeth are causing all the issues since her "bite" does not meet......which is probably due to her Caps not being long enough....( will take Pic when she feels better ) her verbal skills are all up to par and they think the toungue is just a habit we will have to break. So good news no speech therapy just OT and PT.....going to bed.....
Sage with her Num Num ( rice crisps )
Last snow storm........he got all the way to the bottom and it was covered again.....LOL.....I took pics to torture him......
Love the snotty nose...guess that's why we have our mouth open, poor girl. I know you can't wait for spring...but will we still have the allergies to deal with? Just think of the great workout Brian was able to get :O) I'm sure he's glad the snow is almost over too....don't think they have much of it in Kansas?
Yes but my DH says the midwest is so much drier so hopefully not too many allergies this year. UMMMM They say winter is HARD and its Tornado ally April, May, and June ....that was on the Military site LOL.
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