So we started with 42 and have gotten rid of 8, most of those because of pools but 1 was just oh my gosh ugly !!! So I have to get together a list for the Realtor because at least 7 were new construction and I could not tell anything from floor plans online, so hopefully we can get those mailed to us this week. Others we just need more pics or info but its the first week so at least we are on track. Maddie is still coughing but not enough to disturb her sleep or keep her home.

Sage is still snotty and 2 teeth are coming in. We did pull out the potty yesterday but she is not really interested must show her the videos and DVD's....LOL. Kael is know listed as reading at a second grade level and has passed his 6's in speed drills..both OT and Vision therapist are pleased with his progress.

It started snowing ( again ) between now until Monday AM we are suppose to get 6+ inches. Maddie's Birthday Invites went out and we already have 4 RSVP's so she is very excited. I need to get working on a cake and what kind of bike she wants. Time is flying.

So thats it ....I hope to be better at blogging but you know !!!! Have a great weekend !

1) Playing UNO......they love UNO
2) He can tie his shoes now !!
3) The Therapy Trampoline but as you can see Sage LOVES it
4) Valentine's Party Day outfit
5) Valentines Day 2010
1 comment:
One by one you'll get through the house and find the right one. Congrats to Kael for the milestone! Was his tooth hanging bu a thread in the pic? Looks like he was about to swollow it. Love that they love Uno...he looks like he was multi-tasking by watching TV and doing therapy at the same time...someone should tell him to turn around, put Sage in front so he's facing the TV..she's so short she won't block the TV. Cute dress...and look at those Angelina lips. Hope the snow is not too bad.
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