Every year my kids have a cold/virus ........So I do apologize but between having In Laws this weekend, sick kids and Easter it has been a crazy week. I did get to try out some new "foods" this week.....Maple Walnut French Toast ( yummy, has to sit in the refrig all night...love those since I hate mornings) and Easter Sunday I made Sweet and Sour green beans and Sour cream and chive cream cheese mashed potatoes with the ham.

Saturday we went to the WWI museum in Kansas City and had dinner at Fritchs ( 50's type diner where your food is delivered by Train ). Sunday after Easter Bunny visited we took off for Bass Pro Shop to see the Bunny himself ( Never again, they bombard you with sale pitches....they now do Time Shares...UGH ). Sunday night I took Maddie in to ER just knowing she had Strep throat but no just a virus.

Maddie is slowly recovering ( she missed school today since she was up ALL night coughing ). She actually coughed so much Saturday Night she vomited all over the floor and almost caught the Easter Bunny.....hmmmm. Kael is mostly over it but Sage is still giving us a run for our money.....yesterday it was 102, last night she woke at 3:30 with 103.1 this morning it was 101.

Hopefully we are on the mend from our last ( fingers crossed ) cold of this season and we all get a good nights rest.
Did I mention the subdivision is having their Yard Sale Saturday and I'm gonna try to get some stuff ready but of course having nothing done yet but it is suppose to be a beautiful day and yes I am that crazy !!!!!!!!!!
pics from the Drive In Day at Maddie's school....cute huh?
They all look adorable...looks like "Lightening McQueen" had some help from the parnets? Hope the bug that has a hold on Sage lets go real soon! I know you can get your stuff together for the yard sale with time to spare. Can't wait to see the Easter pics. Hopefully next Easter will be better?
LOL U sound like Brian......his comment was "at least Maddie did most of the work on hers " when I called him from School and told him she had a Pinto compared to the others. She went to bed on Motrin with a 99.6 I hope she is getting better. They should be downloaded soon. Lets pray
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