Kael and Cousin Nouri
but I got the brilliant idea this year to make all of our Thank you cards and you know my kids were spoiled rotten this year by everybody. We had a wonderful time in NC, go to see family I have not seen in years and that the kids had never met. Sadly Granny was in the hospital the whole time but hopefully this time they will get her fixed and back to her normal self, I know thats all we wanted for Christmas. Please keep saying a prayer for her. We are still trying to get back to normal, we just finished our last Christmas yesterday with the In Laws so I can finally put away the wrapping paper, etc tomorrow. Tomorrow is Brians Birthday so we will just do Cake and cards here. Brian finally got his orders for Kansas, we will try to get the movers the last weekend in June and have a cleaning service ( I ain't stupid...3 kids and no family near here to help ;), its just not gonna happen .....LOL ) on the 30th and hit the road. We have been looking at houses already and should be ready to pick one out by April....hopefully with 5 bedrooms. Gotta go work on them cards......Have a good Monday !!!!
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