Notice I'm now twittering.....LOL.....its fun to read others so I had to do.Plus there's a new button on the blog for Bargain Briana's site....she is having a Jon and Kate plus 8 season 4 DVD giveaway so if your like me and luv that show go enter. Plus she posts reg about GOOD deals going on so add her to your required blog reading. Well I did manage to sound (hopefully) like a well adjusted Mom when the director of the New pre school called this AM to verify everything....but I'm sure she will know in a couple of months how crazy my 3 are, Sage was screaming and Maddie was tattling and Kael was "Was not" but really I'm sure she's a mom and understands.....right???? Did manage to get one room vacuumed ....but give me credit it was the playroom which means stopping every 10 seconds and getting someone to come P/U a lego,sticker,marker,or other who knows what they missed the first time. Tomorrow is Tumble bees ( gotta also schedule our make up classes) and then Karate which I will have to do since B is still gone. Weds should be fun...Maddie has school till 1130/ Kael has allergy testing at 1200/ Kael has to be at school before 1310/ Maddie has teeth cleaning at 1350.....can u say stressed??? and guess who the genius who scheduled it is????? YOO HOO ....pray for me.
I just Love park pics
LOVE the pic of Sage...she really loves the swing! Also got a look at Maddie's knee boo boo. Glad you got the pre school you wanted...maybe it's the start of many more good things to come.
from your lips to Gods ears
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