to blow somebody away with that
little water gun??????? U go Girl !!!
We had our neighbors over tonight for a cook out and I think we are all exhausted now. But I did get to go to Fresh Market and Trader Joe's today to get I could spend a fortune in Fresh Market but I actually did pretty good.....if U have one near you go get some French Vanilla Pound Cake....on sale this week for $2.99 for a loaf.....OMG yummy !!! I will really miss our neighbors Brad, Tara, Alex and Anna.....: (
Tomorrow is Kael's last day, complete with Ice cream sundae party and school year slide show, after that he has Asthma Dr appt @ 5pm and we have got to get ready for our trip South. Now be warned there will be no internet access for a week on Friday ( How will I survive??????????) but I think we will be so busy we will never notice...........YEAH RIGHT !!!
Hello? First time to Fresh Market? Probably a good thing you're moving to Kansas. How about Trader Joe's? There's one in Cary, but I've never been. You make it sound like we ain't got no learnin' here or no "intenet axcess" way down in the can always go to the Starbucks and conneck ;O) Tell Brian the yard looks good. And what's with the pose Sage is striking? Kael looks so cute as an older brother...didn't really get a chance since he was still in diapers when Maddie was born ;O)
I am very tight with money so its hard to patronize a store that charges that much for stuff....but if I know people will actually eat and not waste it like my kids sometimes its worth it ....we barely have time to visit with everyone def no time for starbucks.
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