We did get Tricare ( Our military Insurance ) switched from North to West today, it takes 5 to 7 days until we can use it for non emergency use....like the physicals my 2 oldest need for MWR ( Morale,welfare and rec ). For the kids to participate in activities we have to fill out 101 forms esp for Kael since they "think" he has asthma .....I did get a Hibascus that was half off at K Mart.....maybe I will not kill it before the month ends. Last night Miss Maddie was sent to bed early since she could not finish her dinner ( yeah for some reason we are back there again ) and tonight it was her and Kael......hopefully these behavioral issues are gonna end soon. Sage has been crankier then usual....so maybe teething again???? Just some random ramblings to go with the random pics.....
Need to send more pics of the house. Maddie knows what to do with the hat. And I think you have to have a larger bicep and be a few shades darker to pull off that tatoo. How about the threats of Santa? Or birthday since Kael's is just around the corner? Are we snacking too much and not hungry at supper? How about cutting out the bedtime snacks? It will get better.
LOL that is Sage not Maddie......No Santa does not work, they eat just take forever and a day.....extremly slow eaters
Okay, typo, I knew it was Sage...thus the comment about knowing what to do with the hat. I now feel like Granny....calling the kids by anothers name?!?!? And that was before the memory issues...remember her going down the line of names before getting it right. Sorry Maddie...will try to read the posts before I send...
Ha Ha Ha
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