Went to MO today ( 30 min to the nearest party city, used to be 3 min .....I miss the big city....LOL)
to get Kael's B Day invites......week ago he said Star Wars.....4 days ago Bakugan......yesterday Indiana Jones ( where in **%$# that one came from ya got me ) today he picked out Pokemon .......I wanted Star Wars but its not my party .....so we got invitations which I will work on all day tomorrow to make sure they go to his class by Monday.....inviting all 21 of his classmates plus we have a social Tuesday with Brian's class ( who says social??? really its a pizza party at a park for us all to get to meet, spouses and kids, the guys have been together a week they better know each other by now....LOL) so if he clicks with any kids there I will invite them too. It will be mostly outside games, snacks, Wii and cake and ice cream so the more the merrier to get to know each other. So afterwards we went to Shoe Carnival....Kael needs good shoes, for gym plus its time for that kid to learn to tie so BYE BYE....character shoes and Velcro...he picked out Addias and since it was BOGO half off Maddie got a pair of Sketchers ( good arch support, I was very impressed and with her flat foot she needs it ) and Sage got a pair of sketchers too ( plus we got socks at Target, that baby has some stinky feet.....has ruined her little stride rite tennies ).
So Friday we got both kids into the system here ( CYS ) so they can now do rec and sports on post....so starting Sept Kael has JUDO on Tues and Thurs and Maddie has Pre Ballett and Tap on Tues....in 6 months Sage can do Mommy and me tumble bees....woo hoo Sage !! Off to Bed
Yeah for first day of school pics! What's up with the shirt? Nice first impression ;O) Like the new tennis shoes...where are the socks? Looks like he was distracted by the action figures/vehicles in the cafeteria. Nice cafeteria! And good decision for food items! Why are we having a pizza party in the park? Why not a cook out? Hope you have a good return on the invites!
Budget...cook outs cost too much....pizza is $5 for a LG @ little ceasers.....you can feed a ton plus its easy ......no new shoes....old skate ones....socks are called No show socks so looks like they work.....LOL
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