Maddie did good at the dentist, No cavities. But Thankfully the Ped dentist agreed that the front upper crowns need to come out since they still abcess and he wants to protect the permanent teeth. So we loose 2 crowns/caps (whatever they want to call them) and keep 4 on bottom and the 2 upper incisor so she can honestly sing "all I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth". When we told Kael He says Why do all the silver teeth people get a break? I had to tie floss to my tooth and have it yanked out.....I can not wait till she tells him what happened to her..So please say a prayer for her Monday @ 11 central time that all goes well. I'm off....I can feel a cold coming in my chest or maybe its the below zero temps here.....Oh how I miss you East Coast !!!!
Do U not love Sages expression.....Bwahahaha.............
I do hope it doesn't impact her furture dental visits with fear! Hate to hear you ma be getting've got too much left to do to get sick. What's up with Maddie's smile? So was this "the picture"? Wonder how much longer they'll agree with the matching PJ's?
She will be fine.....Hope it goes fast its just bitterly cold which makes it worse. She is always told to Keep her mouth close.....we will have to see if getting the 2 pulled help her with that issue. No this was not the picture....the card has 3 pics.
I do a series called "Just So You Know" too! Love the matching PJ's!!! =)
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