Now we still have snow ( not as much thank goodness ) but its been sooooo nice with no new snow falling. Both kids had a full week of school.....Kael got presented a award for reading 25 books this period, he passed his 3's in speed drills (finally) and he has passed January sight words. Maddie had 2 classmates move during Christmas break, she is working on N's and is driving me slowly insane ( LOL ).

Sage is Sage, keeping us all on our toes !!!! She did finally get her H1N1 this week and she is cutting a molar which was pure H*#$ for my sleeping until I started giving her Motrin before bed and then of course friggin Motrin was recalled but thankfully now we got some generic from target so hopefully all will get back to normal.

Kael starts his Vision Therapy on Tuesday so I look forward to see what they are going to do. We are hoping the FA guys will be here 2nd to 4th of February to see where we go next. We have been trying to get Maddie and Kael interested in the earthquake in Haiti but they are so young and its still hard for them to wrap their head around, but we keep trying !!! Heck I think its still hard for us adults to fathom all that destruction and death....just heartbreaking !!!

So Pioneer Woman's Chicken Fried steak......how in the world does that woman do it all???? This is a very time consuming dish, maybe special occasions ? But it was tasty, very very filling, and I would make it again ( but only on special occasions...LOL ). So this week its Meatloaf....Have a great Holiday Weekend !!!
Looks like everyone is enjoying the snow...Kael looks like he was rooting around head first. Whatever they teach Kael, teach the other 2 so we can prevent this from happening to them...same with the Occupational Therapy. Way to go making the PW's recipes. When you run out of recipes in the book, head to the website...you'll never again have to ask "what do I make for dinner?"
Yeah Kael for reading so many books! And kudos to you for making one of P Dubs dinner dishes. I haven't gotten up the nerve to try it. =)
Kael was doing tumbles in the snow......with these 3 they always copy one another anyway. Yes still making my way thru the cookbook.....gonna make her Sangria for the super bowl party. We are very proud of Kael for reading the books.....thankfully he enjoys it.
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