So we made it to the Zoo......and surprise Sage loved it, esp the monkey's. Kael and Maddie have never been "into" the zoo so it was a nice surprise to actually have a good time. So back to the real world tomorrow.....lawn mowing, grocery shopping and trying to get motivated to start getting ready for my May 1st yard sale.

Next Saturday is the Post Wide Yard Sale......Waaaaa Hooooooo......hoping to find some good deals.......Mon and Weds is swim lessons, Tues is Therapy for Kael and Weds is our 7th Wedd Anniversary ......which I never remember so I gave him the card last week cause I knew it was sometime around the middle of April ...yes my memory is that bad.

This pic is from a play date we had the Thursday before Easter with our friend's

Maddie's school Easter Egg hunt.......it was steamy that day......all chocolate in those eggs was liquid by the time we were done.

Y'all have a great weekend.
Sage looks so excited in the first pic...and are those jelly shoes on Maddie? Everything really does come around again. Sounds like a busy week...wish I were there...wasn't meant to be...am in withdrawls...almost a year since I've "seen" the kids. Would have loved to have seen Kansas. Come on JUNE!!!! Remember to associate something with the date...Mary? Although I spaced last year. My gift to you guys will be a date night ASAP in GA....how long has it been? Won't have to worry about sour pickles ;O)
Long Day for her....Yes and they light up, they are sketchers I got at the consignment sale. I can not even remember that....brain is fried. What ??????????
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