So its "official"......off to Iraq he goes. We had a VTC with the CG who is in Iraq and let me tell you much respect to the guys who have to do that everyday cause it is so difficult.....there's a delay and then it goes out and the other person does not know it has gone out and they keep talking.....ugh big pain in the butt. So we leave here Graduation Day so he and the others can get ready and they will leave sometime after 4th of July.

Kael's pink eye is 100% better but now his asthma is giving us a time. So we had to break out the predisone and albutural, trying to get in to his Dr. I really need a Oxy meter thing . He gets a cough not a wheeze so Albutural does not really help just steroids. Maddie started her cold thing yesterday. We are going Saturday evening to watch The Royals play the White Sox, Mine and the kids first Major League game.

I'm off to bed, very stormy night so I'm sure little ones will wake me up soon....LOL.
Glad the pink eye is gone and that the other 2 didn't get it. Sorry about the asthma and cold. Why weren't you down in the grass getting wet with the others? Where's Sage's bathing suit? Been a while since deployment concerns...wish it could be after school starts since you'll have 2 this year. I'm sure things will be just fine...Kael and Maddie are older now and able to help more.
Sadly I did get wet that day when my son got the hose ......I had the camera ...he is lucky he is still here...LOL. Bathing suit in closet....I do have good intentions. We'll be fine and It will all get done.
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