Thursday Maddie Graduated and I promise pics are coming we have just been busy. Along with her graduating, Brian's Uncle passed away. Maddie had a nice Graduation and afterward we had a donut hole and juice reception. After we got Kael to school and OT we went and picked out her gift.....Barbie Hands....yes folks not Head, hands....they come with fake nails,polish and decals all for $24 .....too funny what she gets fixtated on. She had a choice of Cupcakes or cake to celebrate and she chose these little strawberry cupcakes because they are pink. Friday Sage had her 9 month check up and 2 shots.....sad to say Good bye to Dr White. Kael got home early from school ( some kind of conferences )so we went to library where I learn my 5 year old is into Japanese animation ....I mean really WTH????????? Saturday all day in IN and just catching up today with groceries,homework,etc.....Hope ya'll have a good week.
First Roller coaster ride together
First roller coaster ride together?!?!? This past weekend? I thought they had been on it before? Please extend our deepest sympathies to Brian and his family. Congrats to Maddie...can't wait to see the pics. Hope the teething gets better. Does Maddie want to paint her own nails...what about toes?
Not together, Maddie was always too small, Kael rode it with Brian. Of course she does.....I figure when we get to the post we'll do a real Manicure
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