I must be living in Alaska or upper state NY because it never flippin stops......which ok after awhile and 10 inches of snow still on the ground you stop caring but when it is constantly below zero it gets a little annoying. So you scrappers.....I used my cricut....finally after 2 years I used it.....now it took forever to actually get the paper to cut with all the stupid dials and all and I might have cut the mat a couple of times and the first 6 times I pushed cut there was no blade in the machine but I used my cricut. Whew....and the Thank you cards are made just drying and we are done.

I got Maddie a appt with the Kidney Dr @ children's Mercy for March 17th, I know right but specialist are busy. But it worked out because Brian will have spring break then. She is either the most unlucky girl or a Hypochondriac .....4 days ago we started itching ( down there ) so I cut out bathes etc.....now she leaks urine which we can not figure out if its because she is scared to use the bathroom downstairs and will not stop playing to the very last minute so then she must run upstairs with a full bladder or not? So I will be pushing H2O and cranberry juice tomorrow in hope that it will fix the problem or problems.

Hopefully Kael goes back to school tomorrow but Kansas City is closing its schools tomorrow because of the high only being 10. He is ready......he really needs structure and a schedule to follow so when he doesn't get those for awhile you can tell a difference plus I am very excited for him to get back into OT. Stay Warm And Happy Spaghetti Day
I forgot to tell ya I made Homemade Pizza Dough today.....I really did. It is sitting in the fridge waiting for me to make
Pioneer Woman's Cowboy Cal-zones. I got her cookbook from Bambi and I am going to make one of her recipes a week ...don't you just love her blog?????
Hi Kim,
You won my Old El Paso giveaway! Please contact me with your mailing information and I will make sure you get your prize.
Congrats on winning the giveaway! It will be interesting to see what the Urologist says about Maddie. Why won't she use the BR downstairs...has she seen the Exorcist? I like the pens she got for Christmas...and mine, too! So you don't think you'll ever be a snow person, huh? Or a cold weather person? Longing for the humidity of the South?
I know right...I won ...so excited. Because when the Lady Bugs were out they were always in the Bathroom ( I don't know why they go to the bathroom or why she is scared of a ladybug ) Santa brought Kael the star War ones too. This snow is just like the Humidity in NC, once in awhile its ok but not all the friggin time. I like a good selection in my weather
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