Saturday, December 27, 2008

A Few Christmas Photos

Kael with His "loot"

Maddie still opening hers

Sage with her exersaucer

Friday, December 26, 2008

Hope ya'll had a wonderful Christmas

We did, busy and way to much stuff but that's ok its only one day a year. Sage has had a cold for 3 days now, so between that and getting ready we have been busy. The kids got Nintendo DS lite from Santa, they are portable game systems. I got Paula Deen cookware.....I also found me a Paula Deen ham on the 23rd so we have been eating alot of ham.....LOL....still have alot of ham and we are leaving Sunday, alot of wasted money. We are getting ready for our trip to NC , hopefully Sage will be better by then an no one else will be sick. There are tons Christmas pics but of course no one has bothered to download them yet....if they get up by tomorrow I'll post some, ya'll have a Happy and blessed New Year.

This was from our Christmas card photo shoot...LOL.

Sage with her morning "mush"

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Only word to describe -20 degree wind chills. I am up at this ungodly hour to get the kids to the Dr at 9am to finish the Flu shots. Trying to get all those last minute details finished plus I have been trying to finish up cleaning around here since we will be gone all next week. Maddie's Occ therapy does not start until Feb 2 but at least shes in the system. Kael's "chicken skin" rash is back under his arm.....I googled it but none of the pics really look like it but I also still believe he needs to be tested for food sensitivities but thats another story....maybe after the new year we can get it all done.....this month has just flown by. I made Hamburger/zucchini pie last night and Kael loved it....go figure......Maddie ate it but if its not pasta she really does not say much. Well I'm off to finish getting ready......I know some of ya'll will be out tomorrow just for the sport of it but try to have a peaceful Christmas Eve.

These were the ones we took, don't know why everyone has red eye....need to fix that. Thank goodness the real one does'nt.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Where did the flippin month go????

There are only 4 days until Christmas ......OMG.......Well School is done, Maddie had her party yesterday, we got her school pics weds ( not happy with those, too many teeth showing ) I baked all day Tuesday( Red Velvet Cookies, Chocolate dipped pretzels and a word to the wise do not bake brownies in Silcone Santa pans, not only did it take 1.5 hours but they stuck) since it snowed and Kael's school was cancelled. I finally got the treat bags and teacher gifts done in time. The dermatoligist for Kael is not until May ( he will not have a rash by then ) but I think I will call the Air Force base and get one there. Sage had her 4 month check up and shots yesterday, shes 16.13 lbs,24 and a quarter tall, 17 and 3 quarter head. Dr said go ahead with Veggies since she loves the cearel so much. Kael has had breathing problems all week, upped the Flovent to twice a day and also a couple of doses of Albutrual at night but I think he's better. It was 54 degrees today so I opened the windows to get rid of any bugs, tomorrow its suppose to be 30 and Sunday a high of 20 with flurries....ugh. Sage's dr went ahead and gave me a referral for Maddie to go to Occ therapy at Childrens Hospital but I have to wait 24 Hours for it to get in the system so I will not be able to call until Monday. I wanted to do a Paula Deen Smithfield crunchy Ham for Christmas but I can not find one anywhere so I guess I'll do Honeybaked....not looking forward to that line on Christmas Eve....last year they had cops there it was so crazy !!!!! Its past my bed time so I'll close for now....Ya'll enjoy this last crazy weekend and be safe.

Kael, Maddie and Daddy made this

Look how big she is now......she loves her Brother and Sister.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

How many fundraisers can a 5 year old do???

We have been in school 4 months now and have had to do 4 so far.....this last on was Cookie Dough so as of right now my freezer is full, Thank goodness most is going to Brian's Co Workers tomorrow......God Bless them or my Butt would be bigger then it is already....can you say White chocolate macadamia nut cookies??? So we have Maddie's Bake sale starting Tuesday,Maddie's Christmas party Thursday, Kael's Friday, Lt Col's Farewell dinner Weds night, Tumble Bees/ karate Tuesday night, Sages 4 month check up Weds or I have got to finish shopping and ship some least my card went out before Christmas. I got to go get my roast in the crock pot......See ya'll soon.

Maddie out in the snow while Daddy shovels the driveway.

Us trying to get our pics done.....poor Sage

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Kids with Santa

This was 2005

This was 2007

I can not find a scan of 2007, which is the "bad" one. I'll get Brian to do that and post it, we all need a good laugh.

Its raining, its pouring..........

Got the pics of the Christmas outfits in front of the Christmas tree done and my Christmas portrait cards are done, hopefully I can get them in the mail this week. Out of 40+ pics only one was decent....ugh.....tomorrow its hopefully Santa at the Mall, wish us luck. Last year was a great photo, year before if it skips a year this is not looking good for us. Tonight we have Karate and Tumble bees and hopefully some cards addressed. Thursday is Karate again for Kael which means I get some time to wrap gifts. Little Sage has become quite a little eater, she looks forward to her rice cereal or Mush as daddy calls it. I can't wait to see what she weighs because she has been quite a little pig. Granny goes back in Thursday for another Epidural so keep her in your prayers.

They play so nicely together.

Her Thanksgiving shirt, I'm really behind in Pics.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Its Snowing

Well All Christmas decorations are up except the outside ones, its snowing now but I think they are still gonna go up tonight, its already 19 days until Christmas.....where did the time go??? Kael had no cavities this visit to the dentist and went to Karate again Thursday. Still working with Maddie to keep her mouth closed. Sage's new formula seems to be controlling the colic ( knock on wood) so hopefully in 3 weeks when we go back to NC its not like the Chicago trip. I got some Christmas shopping done yesterday and some wrapping done today. I'm having to mail gifts to NC because we have no extra room in the van....LOL. I got Wii Fit for my B-day ( yes we know its a month away ) and the kids and Brian have been setting up their profiles.....I will do mine when there is nobody here but Maddie, Sage and me....LOL....and yes I can put it under password....LOL. Well hopefully get some shopping done tomorrow.....

I love how she is looking at Maddie

This is Maddie's "work" from school....I think its outstanding what Mrs Caddigan has her writing.

PS for those who don't know click on the pic and it gets bigger so you can actually see it

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Welcome to our new home

I will be blogging from here now. I will miss all my settings.....hopefully I can get those on this one if I remember how.....LOL. Maddie's visit with the ENT proved no adenoid or Tonsil enlargement so its just habitual mouth breathing or lack of muscle tone so we will see if maybe speech or physical therapy next??? Bigger news with her is her big left top tooth and the one beside it are ready to fall out, they are both being pushed up and are sooo loose. Kael's funky rash has come back so we will call the dermatologist. I hope ya'll enjoy the new blog but I need to go put away our Thanksgiving Stuff and get ready for Christmas before Tumble Bees tonight.

This was the Turkey Kael had to "disguise" so it would not get eaten....LOL....I got rid of alot of Halloween Candy but that paper weighed a ton !!!!!

Pic from Kael's reading assignment ....he has to pick his fav book each month and do a paper on it

Maddie had to get in on it too.