Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year, New Look, New Changes

I am trying different things with the blog...moving things, updating my favs, adding new things and trying to figure it all out. I have been given some great ideas from fellow bloggers on how to make it look better and for it to be easier to navigate ( Thanks Guys ). If you have some ideas please let me know.

Now on to other things......Kael had his 3 month Asthma Checkup today and all is good. He also had a couple of vials of blood drawn to have those allergy tested. Dr said they like to wait till they are 7 ( why? ) but he went ahead and did it, we should know those results in 2 weeks. We have had Snow,Snow Snow and More Snow. I am tired of snow ( that is all )

Sage's Sinus Infection appears better ( at least she is not waking me up twice a night anymore). Last night was her first night sleeping all the way thru in 2 months. On other news Maddie woke me up @ 0530 yesterday ( lovely). One day I will get some REM sleep I just know it.

These are from the Mall where we went to Santa ( Overland Park Mall ). They also have a 2 story Carousel in the middle of the mall. So Hopefully we will go back when it is not the last week before Christmas and we don't have a stroller for Sage.

Sorry the pics are bad but the flash drowned them out and they were in constant motion. I would love to have Maddie on that every week, she has lost so much muscle tone since we left PT/OT.....I need to order Moon Shoes and make her work.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas to All

Santa has been and left plenty of goodies. All of us have already been spoiled with gifts from Aunt Bambi, Papa, Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Dirk. We are smack in the middle of the worst Blizzard my southern self ( Have I said lately how I miss you East Coast??????) has ever seen but as long as the power survives we are good. We will miss all our family far away from us and those that are celebrating in Heaven................May you all have a Wonderful and Blessed Christmas.

And to all a Good Night

Monday, December 21, 2009

Keeping it real

Happy Housewife is showing all the "real" Christmas Photo. I am so Happy she did because it proves I am not alone. As most of you know this photo shoot on the night of Maddie's Christmas Concert did not turn out well and we ended up with Photos of all 3 in Matching PJ's .......revenge later in life to show future spouses......Bwhahahahaha. Merry Christmas to all and please go visit Happy Housewife for more "Real" Family Photos

Handmade Christmas

Kael's Poinsettia
Kael's Rudolph
Kael's ginormous Ornament
Maddie's Candy Cane
Maddie's Angel

I love the Last day of school when the kids bring all the "gifts" they have been making. These are all hanging off the China Hutch in the Dining Room for all to enjoy.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

5 days till Christmas

You think she is making a list???
The Pulled of today the perm has shown up already

The Russian Nutcracker Tuesday was beautiful....they did a outstanding job. The Army has a complaint system called ICE and when the Chinese Acrobats were here in October people complained because they were assigned seats ( My kids couldn't see, I wanted a aisle seat,blah blah etc). So the last 2 events held in this auditorium have been first come first common sense says if you are doing that you must have ushers to tell people "move it down" because everyone always leaves a spot between them and the next needless to say the first 2 levels were "full" and we ended up in the balcony but all was good. We got to see without any heads in our way and we ended up sitting next to girl from Maddie's Ballet class. And Of course my girl had to have a "real" Nutcracker ( Ouch ).

Wednesday we had the meeting with the school's OT for Kael. She has high hopes he will be writing better by the end of the year. She will be working with him 30 mins twice a week. We also have to take him to a special eye doctor for Learning related vision problems. Friday was the last day of school so I sent Kael to school with his treats for his classmates, treats for his "other" teachers and his gift for his Teacher ( Giftcard ). The kid came home with his Teachers gift still in his backpack.....He forgot......the most important gift he forgets...ohhhh I am still horrified. So I sent her a email ( but of course its her school account and schools over ) hoping to get it to her before Christmas but ohhhhh I'm so embarrassed . Friday was also the day I had to bake Baby Jesus a cake.....I always get nervous when I must make something for other people and there is no way I can test it first ......I mean this is for Baby Jesus ....can there be any more pressure????? Supposedly it was good and they had fun blowing out the candles for him ( Maddie said he could not come down from Heaven for know he is busy up there).

Hopefully we get to Santa tomorrow and some more shopping done ......hope Ya'll do too !!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Just so you know....

Maddie did good at the dentist, No cavities. But Thankfully the Ped dentist agreed that the front upper crowns need to come out since they still abcess and he wants to protect the permanent teeth. So we loose 2 crowns/caps (whatever they want to call them) and keep 4 on bottom and the 2 upper incisor so she can honestly sing "all I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth". When we told Kael He says Why do all the silver teeth people get a break? I had to tie floss to my tooth and have it yanked out.....I can not wait till she tells him what happened to her..So please say a prayer for her Monday @ 11 central time that all goes well. I'm off....I can feel a cold coming in my chest or maybe its the below zero temps here.....Oh how I miss you East Coast !!!!

Do U not love Sages expression.....Bwahahaha.............

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Just about had enough of this snow

From Maddies Christmas Program
And the Little boy near her in blue shirt and Plaid vest, thats Aiden
Her Boyfriend............... :)
I was trying for a Christmas Card Picture and as you can
See the natives were having none of it ....LOL

Will it never go away ? They say we ended up with 11 inches but I say more. We are slowly melting though. Maddie ended up @ the Dr Thursday and they are gonna keep her on the Zrytec for a year since she is doing so well on it. As far as Bed Wetting she says she is still young ansd they usually don't worry about it until they reach a more "social" age but she did give me a referral to a specialist at Childrens Mercy to see what they think and say about it. I'm still thinking about maybe getting the alarm from Amazon....the reviews on there were outstanding for it. Thursday Night Kael's tooth was finally pulled free...LOL....he bit into something and he was in "so much pain" so I told him about Papa tying dental floss around our teeth and tying the other end to a door knob and slaming the door and the tooth would fly out....So he was willing. I tied it and Brian slammed it and out it came. We are all very happy now even if he does talk with a lisp and spit on everything. I scored a Zhu Zhu starter kit for Maddie tonight thanks MommySnacks tweeting the link. I also spent 30 mins driving around the parking lot at Costco which was funny since it was not that crazy inside. Maddie goes to the Dentist Monday Morning and we have the Nutcracker Tuesday night ( I hope she enjoys it ) ...this is also the last week of school and WE HAVE GOT TO GET TO SANTA ....Whew ya'll have a great weekend !!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Bed Wetting 101

As I sit here it is snowing again. We got 7+ inches early today and now we get more with possible Blizzard conditions tomorrow due to severe winds plus it will be a low of +5 .....brrr. Kael was out of school today and Maddie was suppose to have a dr appt but the Dr could not make it in from Kansas City ( I don't know why cause they got no friggin snow ????) South of us had sleet only until now. So Maddie goes Thursday to hopefully get a Script for Zrytec and for us to talk about her bed wetting. I don't know what is going on....I hate to say she is lazy since she is a low muscle tone child but we gave her no fluids since 3 ozs at 6pm dinner and i even made her void after teeth brushing and 5 mins later she had peed in the pull up??????? So I will be doing some serious research this week. Sage went to the Dr Monday and I was told she has a ginormus head and get this .......SO DO I !!!!! WTH ....yes they measured my head since it has to be genetic so not only did Kael get those ears from my side ( Thanks Dad ) but I am responsible for Sage's big head !!! I tell you it is a sign of intelligence ..... . Other then that she is at a 3 year old level on her developments and height is 92% weight is 88% ....yes yes head off the friggin charts. And just so I can round out with all 3 kids .....Kael's tooth still has not fallen out ....UGH !! Off to make our Christmas Card.

Photo's are what happens when a 4 year old daughter and 3 year old cousin get ahold of the camera .

Saturday, December 5, 2009

She lives up to the name Monkey

Last night was the Fort's tree lightning and it was soooo cold. They lit the whole park...lights wrapped around everything that did not move. The houses around the park are beautiful old homes that were decorated beautifully and I will go back and get pics when there is not a screaming toddler with me. Yes Sage is sick with head cold so she is a unhappy camper 24/7 ( just kidding...its just when she lays down or has to stand out in 24 degree temps ) I can't wait to see the pics from last night esp the ones with Father Christmas where she was screaming her head off...LOL. We also got our H1N1 vac yesterday....except Sage who can't while she is sick....Kael and Maddie will have to get 2nd dose in 30 days. Maddie was suppose to go see Christmas Carol Friday ( those that follow twitter or Facebook I think I said Nut Cracker but I was wrong....too much Christmas on the brain ) but it was canceled since the class on Thursday were scared out of their mind !!!! Her Christmas Program is Monday Night and she is very excited about the singing.....I know we can video tape but I am not sure about pics since it is in the Sanctuary and at night ( plus Maddie's little Boyfriend Aiden has done said he is not getting up there ....period....not gonna happen ...LOL ) Kael's tooth is still hanging on.....and you can see the permanent tooth is trying to come thru ...its all swollen.....but it hurts to pull it so what are you gonna do???? Sage is a Monster....she climbs on everything and in you can see from the pics...she is stuck under the chair.....she also climb's in the dryer .....PRAY for her...Both Kael and Maddie had surgery @ 18 months.....Kael broken elbow and Maddie had her teeth done ....Lets pray Sage is different. She has a Check up Monday and Maddie has a Dr appt this week to see about getting her perm on the zrytec ( she has done wonderfully ). Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

We're Bacccccccccccccccccccck

And Kael....he never lifted his head for the whole state.
Sage @ the same time....giggles galore
Maddie on the way to IN....I think we were in Missouri

Do you not love this look...LOL.....she cracks me up

I bad am I??? Sorry.......but we had a good Thanksgiving.......long drive though. Very Long....extremely long...can U tell I'm still recovering? But we are back to Normal....tree is decorations but it is up. Brian got the Light up train up outside.....all the Fall stuff is ready to be dragged to the curb....the pumpkins really held up well being up over a month and all. It has been warm but that ends tonight....figures we have a 2 hour tree lightning Friday and its suppose to be 32 as a high. Maddie has a christmas program Friday.....Kael gets out of school early that day....Saturday he has a B-day Party ....I have got to get some shopping done...I am so behind on that stuff. I have to get 2 dozen cookies ready for Maddies Play on Monday night ...whew....Ya'll enjoy the rest of your week.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Hand Print Turkeys ........Bwhahaha

Got those done tonight.....they are now drying and hopefully will make it into the mail Monday. Kael had a good open house.....Friday he came home with a award for Knowing his December Sight words ( yep already a month ahead ). Monday Maddie has her Fall Party ( she is in charge of the cheese cubes ) and her school pics will be in for me to buy ......of its gonna be bad !!! Tuesday Kael has his Fall Party and since they have been reading Stone Soup in class they are gonna make stone soup in class and everyone will bring in a half of a cup of something to add to the crock pot. There is a group of Soldiers that will be graduating in Dec so we get a different group in Jan .....but some have arrived and are arriving so its exciting....Kael got a new girl in his class on Friday. We are leaving here on Weds Am for our 9 hour drive to IN for Thanksgiving. I will try to post new pics before We leave......these are from Last year this time....but was she not ADORABLE?????

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Before and After ............

The red eye flash was blinding her...LOL

That one piece just needed to be brushed

Monday we had snow.....only a dusting but it excited the kids. Tuesday Maddie had dance and yes I had to buy new shoes ( I do not know who would keep one slipper but more power to them ). I got Maddie and I tickets to The Russian Ballet's Nutcracker on the 15th on post. Today got Sage a haircut before I made her blind as PaPa would say......LOL.....Got a Pkg of Goodies off to NC ( BTW....I went to a mail a pkg place not post office and Fed ex and UPS were both under $20 to get this Pkg there but USPS wanted $34 are you friggin kidding me ........make sure you check before U mail pkgs this Christmas ) and we get our house inspected tomorrow so I have been cleaning and for some reason I got a itch to be creative ( don't know why but I'll U know If I do anything.....LOL )

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Can U believe it is almost Thanksgiving???

Where did November go? We are all better just playing catch up ( homework, housework, shopping,etc ). I have no new pics........sorry.....its just been that kind of week. Thursday, Kael's first day back to school he had a accident in OT and boinked his head.......Friday was Maddie's Picture day @ school and I totally forgot so I apologize ahead of time for you that want pics.............LOL. Praying for a Normal week.